The Goo of Space || Purusha Mendenhall

I see that I am a form in space,
sitting and waiting.  The red light
as alive as my lungs and my kidneys.
The car in front of me, the car
beside me, the drivers and passengers
behind their tinted windows and the
dog with his head out the window.
The tall grass beside the road and
the abandoned shopping cart
tossed into the weeds.  I am alive
and beautiful.  Molecules are
dancing in the metal. They shimmer.
The road sign is a sentinel standing before
the cellulose that dances in the field. 
All of this is a thing called you.
All of this is a thing called me.
Are you listening?
Can you see, whoever you are?
Can you feel that you are vibrating?
Can you feel your clothing fall away?
Your suit of cynicism and anger,
your suit of ego and fear, they fall away.
What have they taught you to believe?  
What do you no longer believe?  You and your
beautiful self are flying away from
the partitions.  You and your beautiful
self are stepping together into the
goo of forever space and
you shine, you, forever.

Purusha Mendenhall lives on the Front Range of t​he Rocky Mountains in Boulder Count​y, Colorado with his partner, Janet.  He is a poet, painter, Integral Yoga Instructor, and counselor.  His poetry has been published in several literary journals and he is the author of two books on Yoga Philosophy published by Enso Press.


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